ike turner - Online Memorial Website

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ike turner
Born in United States
76 years
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NancyP So sorry--- December 13, 2007
I was not a follower of Ike Turner, but apparently he was a great musician.  But I just want to say my condolences to his family and loved ones, and to say how sad to read that some felt compelled to leave not so nice posts.  You are not hurting him---he is gone.  You are hurting those left behind.  My prayers go out to his family.
Hollywood Townes December 13, 2007




                            R. I. P.

CoSandra In Memory of Ike Turner December 13, 2007

The passing of a love one is never easy for those of us who are left behind.  I pray to for God strength & guidance for the entire Turner family.  Please know that God will never leave you or forsake you.  Please hold on to faith first and the love from one another secondly. 

Love CoSandra & Family

lois & Harrifox For The Good Times December 13, 2007

Sleep Well Friend !!!!!!!

Burkhard Langer Bye Bye December 13, 2007
I thank God for letting Mr. Turner visit our planet and HE will take good care of him in paradise, that`s for sure. But today I am so sad. Listening to his music cheers me up, but then tears are flowing. Bye Bey to the King.
dennis foreever ike December 13, 2007
may god take him into his house  and hold him forever
Bosaye Jeffires God Have Waited For You Ike! December 13, 2007

Before you were born God knew you, set things in motion for you, and now he awaits you to say: Well done my good and faithful servant, enter into everlasting peace with your father. 


May God's peace and love continue to follow the Turner's now and for evermore.


The Jefifres Family



I have always adore the music created by Ike Turner...

Ira His Music Lives On December 13, 2007
May he rest in peace and his soul is now commended to God.
Bronson in Austin You were the King December 13, 2007
God bless you Ike.  I grew up listening to your music and the music of those you influenced - which were many.   I'm sure that you have been welcomed with open arms by all who have gone before you.  You have now joined  what must be the most incredible R&B band in heaven.  I can only imagine the kind of gigs you will have through eternity.  My thoughts and prayers are with your family.  We'll miss you.
Roger A Pioneer December 13, 2007
if it wasn't for this man, there would be no Elvis, no Beatles, no good rock music period. god bless you, Mr. Turner.
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