ike turner - Online Memorial Website

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ike turner
Born in United States
76 years
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C. Turner (No Relation) Goodbye to a Legend December 14, 2007

Ike has influencend many people over the years with his enormous talent, A great Guitar player and Songwriter..Rest In Peace Ike you will always be remembered and thank you for all the Great Music. My Thoughts and Prayers are with Ike's family.


Andrew Broom To the Turner family December 14, 2007

I, like so many others, was shocked and saddened to hear of Ike's passing. May God Bless you and be with you as all of us are. I was never fortunate enough to see Ike in person, but treasure closely the interview and performance footage I have. A true legend.


With love,



Richard C. The song lives on December 14, 2007

My condolences to the Turner family on Ike's passing. He was a great player, a talented writer and arranger.  He influenced many people's playing, an incredible accomplishment.


I was very sad to hear of his passing.  His sweet song will play on. He made many of us very happy when he was here.


Thanks Ike


Adieu Richard

lumettaavl#aol.com Ike's passing December 14, 2007

Miss me, but not for long......

My late husband Dominic who passed away two months ago, was born and raised in St. Louis, MO. Fibbing about his age, he used to sneak into East St. Louis clubs to see Chuck Berry and Ike and Tina Turner. Their music shaped his life as he later became an ABC record promoter and worked for years at the Village Recorder in West Los Angeles. Hail, hail Rock'n Roll, hail hail to you, too, for your great "Rocket 88" anthem....may you rest in peace....

Norton I He was the man December 14, 2007
Ike war der Mann. Der böse dünne Mann.
Andrew Canning whole lotta love for Ike December 14, 2007

I remember the first time I heard the Ike and Tina arangment of "Whole Lotta Love"...I just about lost my shit! What an attitude!I think my education in Funk started that day.

                                          R.I.P  Ike


To those that choose to only remember the history...we kept forgiving James for his sins,(of which there were many!) because no one ever made a movie about them.Ike is at least as important a figure in this centuries music history.Remember him for what he can teach you.

Tony M The flame still burns December 14, 2007

Ike Turner was more than a talented musician; he was a legend and a true pioneer of the music style dubbed rock and roll.  While his huge talent and contributions to the music industry were sadly clouded during the latter part of his life by personal conjecture and conviction, his significant impact on music and pop culture worldwide can never be tarnished.  I was priviledged to have first seen Ike perform in the early 1970s and honored to receive an autograph from him last year in response to a mail request.  Taking the time to accomodate a fan is an attribute that little hear about simply because it does not make "good press."  Thank you Ike - for your performances through the years and for taking the time to give a thrill to this fan in the form of personal ccorrespondence.  We'll miss you!  

Tina G. To The FAmily Of Ike Turner December 14, 2007
To the family of Ike Turner you are all in my prayers. Ike Turner was one of the greatest Rock -n- Roll entertainers ever and he will be miss. God Bless Ike Turners family.
LD RIP Ike December 14, 2007
Ike was a talented man who brought wonderful music to the world.  May he rest in peace.
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