Jazz Starr |
Photographer |
December 17, 2007 |
Rest in peace, and may God bless the loves ones down on earth until you meet again.
Sofie H |
Thanks |
December 17, 2007 |
It was a honor, a pleasure to have Ike on Night of the Proms in Antwerp (Belgium) last year. Incredible to have sung with such an great artist.
didier tricard |
good bye to a dear friend |
December 17, 2007 |
It was a real pleasure to have met and worked with you during these last 5 years. Through this first full week I booked for you and you super good band at LIONEL HAMPTON JAZZ CLUB IN PARIS, we established a serious relationship and I became your agent for your european perfomances.
There was faith between you and me from the beginning
I was proud to represent you and glad to be able to book you in prestigious festivals (Montreux, North Sea Jazz, Nice Jazz Festival, Jazz à Juan, Swinging Deauville, Vitoria Jazz Festival, Pori Jazz Festival, Pistoia Blues, Monte Carlo Sporting, Vienne Jazz Festival...). Each time You came to play to the Meridien it was some magic moment.
I remember how happy you were to play these events, how emotional you were when you received a standing ovation in Montreux .
Being on the road with you, I started to know you as a man and we established, I think, a real friendly relation ship. I remember somedays when we were travelling you were telling me some confidential things regarding your private life.
I really appreciated your very professional way of work. Always trying to get the best sound, you would not miss the sound check although it could have been some rest time you needed before your performance.
My best to your entire family including Ike Jr I met last spring during your last european tour.
Espen Fjelle (Notodden, Norway |
Genius Ike |
December 17, 2007 |
I respectfully thank Ike Turner for his contributions to the making of R'n'R and R'n'B. Modern music would have suffered deeply without his genius. May his memory live on forever.
Shelia Renee |
Ike Had Heart |
December 17, 2007 |
The Ike I knew was a Musical Genius,a Down Home Southern Singer,who welcomed autographs,always traveled with a companion ( then Fiance' Jeanette) ,he loved his relatives in Texas especially his Aunt(she didn't care much for how he was depicted in What's Love Got To Do With It) and was deeply concerned about his reputation. I met Ike through a mutual friend who'd given him my demo-tape and his favorite song was a song I wrote called "I'm Sorry" Ike was so impressed with the song that he literally carried it around with him and offered me an opportunity to go on tour with him just prior to the movie's release.The last I saw Ike was when he came to Texas City, Texas to hear me sing and to visit relatives.I am Very Saddened by Ike's passing,To his family I Offer My Condolences
Alex |
Ike...Rest in Peace! |
December 17, 2007 |
You made, beat , and eventually, lived in the shadow of Tina Turner. Rest in peace!
William C |
The Early Years |
December 16, 2007 |
To the family of Ike Turner, Ike Jr., Craig, Ronnie, and Mike. Also to the family members I didn't name. I named the boys because I met them when they were very young.
I had the pleasure of touring with Ike during those early years. The first tour in England and Ireland, opening for The Rolling Stones. Some of the band members, Gabe, Clifford, Soko, and Blue. I can only remember two of the Ikettes, Ann and Pat.
God gives everyone a talent, some several. Ike had several talents, using them all. Having limited formal education, Ike was self taught. Having to grow up during the fifties and sixties, Ike fought his way to greatness. Be proud of your father. He would want you to hold your heads high, be proud, walk tall.
Always remember to trust God in everything you do, in every part of your life. God bles the entire family, and my prayers are with you all.
Deborah perron |
Peace be with you |
December 16, 2007 |
Your music with play forever. You have brought so much to the music industry. God bless.
Melissa (missythebadkitty) |
A true man and inspiration |
December 16, 2007 |
<Deep Breath>
It must be such a gift and curse to be so amazingly talented. To have been able to share the personal music from within and somehow find the means to share it with the rest of the world. To be held in such regard as to being held accountable for being only human in a public's eye.
I am so very humbled to have had the ability to have met you, Ike and spoken my high accalations to you in person. Thank God for you and your many talents, for being a part of the reason music changed and rock and roll is indeed here to stay.
Rocket 88 (among many of your other phenominal creations and contributions) is infamous.
Thank you for taking the time to spend moments with fans such as myself and sharing smiles and laughs. Thank you for sharing yourself.
Thank you for being an honest human being when you could've been a monster which others for some reason are determined to keep you depicted as.
I am grateful to have loved (and still love)your music, shaken your hand, shared borrowed time,stories,laughs and even pictures with you.
Our loss is great, but your contributions and selflessness is even greater.
Thank you, Mr. Turner. For everything.
My most sincere condolences for the entirety of your family's loss on a personal level as well.
Melissa Arenz-Sorensen
Jason |
Canada will miss you |
December 16, 2007 |
I had the pleasure to meet Ike the last couple times he travelled to Canada for shows. He was a sincere and genuine "gentle"man. Rest in peace peace buddy.
Love from Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
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